We’re proud that VisitBritain awarded us VAQAS (Visitor Attraction Quality Assurance Service) accreditation.
And we’ve won many other awards and acknowledgments over the years, including (to name just a few)…
The Queen's Award for Voluntary Service (the MBE for volunteer groups) for the 'development of a unique and specialist engineering museum as an award-winning visitor attraction'.
Several nominations for Small Visitor Attraction of the Year with VisitEngland.
Being shortlisted by Marketing Cheshire for 'Visitor Attraction of the Year'.
A Poynton Civic Award for Rod Ellis, John Simpson and Roy Dudley for their work in building the scale model of Poynton circa 1900 in the local history section of the museum.
An MBE for Geoff Challinor in the New Years Honours List - for Services to Industrial History.
A Poynton Civic Award for Geoff Challinor.
Being highly commended for Small Visitor Attraction of the Year in the Cheshire Tourism Awards.
Achieving the Engineering Heritage Hallmark - JCB Dieselmax, Institute of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE).
Achieving the Engineering Heritage Hallmark - JCB Dieselmax, Institute of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE).
The CATS award (2008) Cheshire ChampionGold - Cheshire Champion - Jon Leigh (CATS).
A ‘Visitors Choice’ Macclesfield Business Award.
The Engineering Heritage Award - Rattling Monster Exhibition - Institute of Diesel and Gas Turbine Engineers (IDGTE).
The Engineering Heritage Hallmark Scheme (EHHS) - Gardner 4L2 Engine -Institute of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE).
Being nominated for a national award - Project on a Limited Budget - Gardner Exhibition - Museum & Heritage Awards for Excellence.
Featuring in the Stationary Engine Hall of Fame (Les Cawley and Geoff Challinor) in Stationary Engine Magazine.