Club and group visits
We’re happy to arrange visits for clubs and groups, outside of our normal opening hours.
Before you book
There are just a few things you need to know before you book a club or group visit with us:
We recommend that you allow a minimum of 2 hours for your visit - more if there are lots of engine enthusiasts in the group!
A club visit is a minimum of 12 visitors on public opening days.
For pre-booked and pre-paid group visits of 15 visitors or more, we are happy to open the museum outside our normal opening days. Tuesday is our preferred day.
If there are over 15 visitors in a coach, the named driver will receive free entry plus a free hot beverage.
Our tea shop can provide a range of soft drinks, tea, coffee and confectionery.
If you arrange it with us in advance, we can also provide sandwiches or a buffet to suit your needs. We can send you prices and menus ahead of your visit.
Your named contact must call us 2 days in advance of your visit to confirm times and numbers.
Book your visit
To book your visit, you can either:
download our booking form and return it by post to the museum at:
Anson Engine Museum, Anson Road, Poynton, Cheshire, SK12 1TD, England.