Friends of the Anson application form
I wish to become a member of the ‘Friends of the Anson’ and I hereby confirm that I have read the constitution on this page.
I agree to my details being held by the museum and to being contacted.
I am over 16 years old.
Friends of the Anson constitution
(Approved 29 September 2003)
Hereafter called ‘the Friends’.
The name shall be the Friends of the Anson Engine Museum.
Purpose and aim
To foster collaboration amongst members, and to provide a forum to discuss matters of mutual interest.
To offer assistance to the Anson Engine Museum, voluntary help in and around the museum.
To raise the profile of the stationary engine movement and increase public awareness.
To liase and co-operate with other national and international heritage bodies.
The office of the Friends shall be the address of the current Secretary to the Anson Engine Museum.
Membership shall be open to all. The minimum age shall be 16 years old.
Honorary membership may be offered at the discretion of the trustees of the museum.
The trustees of the museum shall approve admittance to membership.
The trustees reserve the right to review the category of any member.
Management of the Friends
The trustees of the Anson Engine Museum, according to their articles of association, will carry out all management and administration issues.
Suspension and termination of membership
The trustees shall have the right to suspend any member whose activities are deemed to be contrary to the aims of the Friends and if considered appropriate membership will be terminated.
Each member shall contribute as membership fees, an annual sum to be decided by the trustees and reviewed annually. This sum shall fall due on the first day of January and membership shall be suspended if, having received a reminder, the member shall still be in arrears on the first day of March.
The membership monies from the Friends will not be paid into a separate bank account. The trustees are authorised to make any payments for services or goods to support the aims and objectives as set out in the constitution.
Members are not given any rights to view the accounts of the museum.
No member shall have any claim to any assets of the museum.
In the event of the Friends being wound up, the trustees shall have the power to dispose of any assets to satisfy outstanding debts.
Members are liable to a maximum of £1 for any liabilities of the Friends if it is wound up insofar as liabilities exceed assets.
Amendments to the constitution
Amendments to the constitution are at the discretion of the trustees who will send 3 months notification of any proposed changes to members before they are implemented.